FAQs for Couples Ceremonies
Can you marry us? Are your ceremonies legal?
The simple answer is 'no'. Only Registrars or Ministers of religion can currently conduct legal marriage ceremonies in England. Celebrant-led ceremonies have no legal standing. If you want a Wedding Ceremony you will need to be married already. If you would like to discuss this please phone or email me to discuss your options.
( You may have seen that there has been a review of the current law, the recommendations, if accepted into Law, will allow more flexibility. You can read more here https://www.lawcom.gov.uk/project/weddings/ At present I am unable to marry you, but may well be able to in the future).
We have already booked the Register Officer to marry us at our venue but they won't let us sing a hymn or have a prayer. What can we do?
You can still have the Registrar marry you in your chosen venue. They can simply conduct your marriage and leave. Once they have gone I can continue your celebration. While a Registrar must by law conduct a secular ceremony, there are no restrictions on what I can put in a wedding ceremony. I am happy to explain this in more detail if that would be helpful.
Where can we hold our ceremony?
The limits on this are practical rather than legal. In theory you can hold a ceremony in your home, in your garden, in a premesis licensed for weddings, in the function room of a pub, a village hall, a cricket club, a barn, a field or wood .... If you have a particular venue in mind and are unsure please do contact me.
Are your ceremonies humanist? Or secular? What about religion?
I believe that what I believe should not impact your ceremony! Independent or civil celebrations are often largely secular so they can seem to be humanist, but they can also include religious material if a client requests it.
So, for example, independent (or civil) celebrant-led ceremonies can be used when each partner is from a different faith tradition, and they want to combine elements from both without having to ignore faith altogether. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.